RW Lock

Windows의 SRWLock과 Linux의 RWLock

Posted by Start Bootstrap on December 01, 2020

RW Lock이란

RW Lock은 일반적으로 Read는 값을 변경하지 않으니 동기화 문제에서 좀더 자유로울 수 있고, Write 작업만 하나의 mutex를 가지고 접근해야 한다는 아이디어를 가지고 출발합니다. 대신 Read중에 값을 변경하는 일은 없어야 합니다. 그래서 일반적으로 Read-Lock, Write-Lock, Unlock 이 세가지 상태가 존재합니다. 그래서 RW Lock은 읽기 작업에 대한 동시 액세스를 허용 하는 반면 쓰기 작업에는 단독 액세스가 필요합니다.

Linux RWLock

여러 스레드가 동시에 리소스에 액세스 할 수 있도록 pthread에서 pthread_rwlock_t를 사용할 수 있습니다. 읽기, 쓰기 잠금 인 pthread_rwlock_t는 여러 스레드가 리소스에 액세스 할 수 있도록 허용하지만 한 타임에 한 스레드만 허용합니다. 컴파일 시에는 pthread 사용법과 동일하게 -lpthread 플래그를 사용하여 컴파일합니다.

            class RWLock
            RWLock( void )
                    pthread_rwlock_init(&_mutex, nullptr);

                ~RWLock( void )
                    pthread_rwlock_destroy( &_mutex );

                void readLock( void ) noexcept
                    pthread_rwlock_rdlock( &_mutex );

                void readUnlock( void ) noexcept
                    pthread_rwlock_unlock( &_mutex );

                void writeLock( void ) noexcept
                    pthread_rwlock_wrlock( &_mutex );

                void writeUnlock( void ) noexcept
                    pthread_rwlock_unlock( &_mutex );

                pthread_rwlock_t _handle;

Linux도 Windows와 동일하게 기다리고 있음을 알리는 Flag값을 설정하고 Spin을 먼저 하는 순서로 되어 있습니다.

                pthread_rwlock_common.c 참조
                if (rwlock->__data.__flags == PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NONRECURSIVE_NP)
                  r = atomic_load_relaxed (&rwlock->__data.__readers);
                  while ((r & PTHREAD_RWLOCK_WRPHASE) == 0
                         && (r & PTHREAD_RWLOCK_WRLOCKED) != 0
                         && (r >> PTHREAD_RWLOCK_READER_SHIFT) > 0)
                      /* TODO Spin first.  */
                      /* Try setting the flag signaling that we are waiting without having
                         incremented the number of readers.  Relaxed MO is fine because
                         this is just about waiting for a state change in __readers.  */
                      if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_relaxed
                          (&rwlock->__data.__readers, &r, r | PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RWAITING))
                          /* Wait for as long as the flag is set.  An ABA situation is
                             harmless because the flag is just about the state of
                             __readers, and all threads set the flag under the same
                             conditions.  */
                          while (((r = atomic_load_relaxed (&rwlock->__data.__readers))
                                  & PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RWAITING) != 0)
                              int private = __pthread_rwlock_get_private (rwlock);
                              int err = futex_abstimed_wait (&rwlock->__data.__readers,
                                                             r, abstime, private);
                              /* We ignore EAGAIN and EINTR.  On time-outs, we can just
                                 return because we don't need to clean up anything.  */
                              if (err == ETIMEDOUT)
                                return err;
                          /* It makes sense to not break out of the outer loop here
                             because we might be in the same situation again.  */
                          /* TODO Back-off.  */
              /* Register as a reader, using an add-and-fetch so that R can be used as
                 expected value for future operations.  Acquire MO so we synchronize with
                 prior writers as well as the last reader of the previous read phase (see
                 below).  */
              r = (atomic_fetch_add_acquire (&rwlock->__data.__readers,
                                             (1 << PTHREAD_RWLOCK_READER_SHIFT))
                   + (1 << PTHREAD_RWLOCK_READER_SHIFT));
              /* Check whether there is an overflow in the number of readers.  We assume
                 that the total number of threads is less than half the maximum number
                 of readers that we have bits for in __readers (i.e., with 32-bit int and
                 PTHREAD_RWLOCK_READER_SHIFT of 3, we assume there are less than
                 1 << (32-3-1) concurrent threads).
                 If there is an overflow, we use a CAS to try to decrement the number of
                 readers if there still is an overflow situation.  If so, we return
                 EAGAIN; if not, we are not a thread causing an overflow situation, and so
                 we just continue.  Using a fetch-add instead of the CAS isn't possible
                 because other readers might release the lock concurrently, which could
                 make us the last reader and thus responsible for handing ownership over
                 to writers (which requires a CAS too to make the decrement and ownership
                 transfer indivisible).  */
              while (__glibc_unlikely (r >= PTHREAD_RWLOCK_READER_OVERFLOW))
                  /* Relaxed MO is okay because we just want to undo our registration and
                     cannot have changed the rwlock state substantially if the CAS
                     succeeds.  */
                  if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_relaxed
                       &r, r - (1 << PTHREAD_RWLOCK_READER_SHIFT)))
                    return EAGAIN;
              /* We have registered as a reader, so if we are in a read phase, we have
                 acquired a read lock.  This is also the reader--reader fast-path.
                 Even if there is a primary writer, we just return.  If writers are to
                 be preferred and we are the only active reader, we could try to enter a
                 write phase to let the writer proceed.  This would be okay because we
                 cannot have acquired the lock previously as a reader (which could result
                 in deadlock if we would wait for the primary writer to run).  However,
                 this seems to be a corner case and handling it specially not be worth the
                 complexity.  */

Windows SRWLock

Windows는 Windows Vista부터 SRWLock(Slim Read Write Lock) 기능을 제공합니다. 해당 Mutex를 사용하면 단일 프로세스의 스레드가 공유 리소스에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 속도에 최적화되어 있으며 메모리를 거의 차지하지 않습니다. 그리고 프로세스간에 공유 할 수 없습니다. 그리고 내부에서 SpinCount를 사용하는데 이 경우 락이 걸려 있는 경우 시스템 콜을 호출하고 Thread가 Wait상태로 가게 되는데 그 전에 SpinCount만큼 락을 획득하기 위한 시도를 하게 되므로 CPU 점유율은 다소 손해가 있지만 빠른 응답성을 가질 수 있습니다. 이는 Critical Section의 InitialCriticalSectionAndSprinCount기능과 비슷합니다.

            class SRWMutex : public Noncopyable
                SRWMutex( void )
                InitializeSRWLock( &_handle );

                ~SRWMutex( void )


                void readLock( void ) noexcept
                    AcquireSRWLockShared( &_handle );

                void readUnlock( void ) noexcept
                    ReleaseSRWLockShared( &_handle );

                void writeLock( void ) noexcept
                    AcquireSRWLockExclusive( &_handle );

                void writeUnlock( void ) noexcept
                    ReleaseSRWLockExclusive( &_handle );

                SRWLOCK _handle;

            class SRWLockGuard
                SRWLockGuard( Mutex& mutex )
                    : _mutex{ &mutex }
                    if ( true == ISREAD )
                    if ( true == ISREAD )
                Mutex* _mutex;
            using SRLockGuard = SRWLockGuard;
            using SWLockGuard = SRWLockGuard;